[CI-Announce] Alicia Grayson workshop - Asheville NC Jan 17-18

Asheville Jam ashevillejam at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 04:47:33 CET 2014

*Inner World, Outer Expression, Systems, Skills and States in CI*
An All Level Contact Improvisation Workshop with Alicia Grayson and EE
Asheville NC - Jan 17-18

Dancing is most satisfying when there is congruence between our inner world
(psyche, energy, state) and its changing nature and the outer expression of
that through dancing.  As humans we have the capacity to experience a vast
range of states. In this workshop we will explore different body systems and
how they support different states and skills and effect the experience we
have of ourselves, our partners and our dancing. Working with different
systems we will discover more gateways to listening and possibilities for
connection/expression with ourselves and our partners in contact

Systems we will investigate include: skeletal, fluids, visceral, skin,
heart/circulatory and respiratory. We all have favorite systems from which
we live in and dance from. This workshop will open up more choices in
ourselves, our movement and our dancing with our partners. More choice
means more freedom to express our full range of humanness in our dancing.

Alicia Grayson will be the primary teacher and EE Balcos will be offering
some of his genius each day.

*Alicia Grayson* has been passionately involved with dancing, teaching and
performing CI for the past 26 years. She has taught contact improvisation
as an adjunct faculty at George Washington University, University of
Denver, Naropa University and Shenandoah University. She teaches CI, yoga
and pilates classes in Boulder and regularly travels both nationally and
internationally to teach. Her long time practices of authentic movement,
yoga and meditation are important influences on her dancing and teaching.
As a registered psychotherapist and certified Hakomi therapist she works
with clients in somatic psychotherapy and movement education. She delights
in exploring and discovering new depths to contact improvisation and
related disciplines and is particularly interested in the intersection of
physics and expression and the mind/body relationship.

*E.E. Balcos* began studying with modern dance pioneer Hanya Holm and
practicing Contact Improvisation at the Colorado College in 1982. He has
been a professional dancer and choreographer for nearly 30 years performing
and presenting work throughout the U.S., Italy, Uzbekistan, and the
Philippines. E.E. practices energy healing and has been studying principles
of Body-Mind Centering since the 80’s. He is Associate Professor of Dance
at UNC Charlotte teaching Modern technique, Choreography, Improvisation,
and Contact Improvisation. www.deepwatercollaborations.com
Saturday Jan 17th: Noon-7pm. JCC: (Jewish Community Center)
236 Charlotte St 28801
Sunday Jan 18th: 10-6pm. Asheville Ballroom & Dance Center
991 Sweeten Creek Rd, Asheville, NC 28803
Sliding scale $75-$135 for the whole weekend.
Students ($75) - Professionals ($135).
$50-80 for Saturday only.
*Accommodations can be arranged for out-of-towners with advance notice. For
housing, email Kelly: kelly.stracener at gmail.com <kelly.stracener at gmail.com>*
We don't need rsvp's but feel free to drop us a line to let us know you're
coming and/or look for the Facebook event page on the Asheville Contact
Improv group page <https://www.facebook.com/avlcontactimprov>.
*For general info, email Michael: ashevillejam at gmail.com
<ashevillejam at gmail.com>.*
*Please spread the word - Thanks!!!!*

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