[CI-Announce] MALCOLM MANNING: 1. Awareness Perception Presence class & 2. Contact Improvisation workshop, May 16-20, 2011, Schwelle7, Berlin/Germany

J.B. xs4jan at gmx.de
Fri Mar 18 10:50:15 CET 2011

5 day Intensive with Malcolm Manning
morning classes 11am – 1:30pm: Awareness Perception Presence class
afternoon workshop 3 – 6 pm: Contact Improvisation workshop
WHEN: Monday – Friday, May 16-20, 2011
WHERE: Schwelle 7, Berlin, Germany

Morning Class series - open for all levels - (11:00am - 1:30pm)
(You can attend only the morning classes, without the workshop!!!)

Malcolm has spent the last five-years developing a body of work called  
Awareness Perception Presence in which he combines the Feldenkrais  
Method, Experiential Anatomy and other specially-devised material to  
enter into a physical dialogue with ourselves and our environment. In  
this particular series, we'll explore the Fish Body (axial skeleton)  
taking some of Steve Paxton's Material For The Spine as our reference.

Each class begins with a guided exploration/lecture/dialogue in which  
the specific theme of the class is introduced through movement and  
associated anatomical details. Next a Feldenkrais (ATM) class which  
aims to clarify some aspects of the theme. The final part of the class  
is spent in self-directed exploration taking the references movements  
as a starting point.
SInce we work alone in these classes, it is possible to open these to  
anyone who wishes to attend. The set material is simply standing and  
walking so makes no special demands physically.

Contact Improvisation Workshop - advanced only - (3:00pm - 6:00pm)
(Includes participation in the morning classes!!!)

When are we truly improvising CI and when are we just running through  
familiar patterns and pathways? As we become more experienced and  
skilled in the form, how can we keep our dancing fresh and  

One way is to study how to be present to ourselves and to extend our  
perception of ourselves. The Awareness Perception Presence morning  
class series aims to address to these issues. In the context of this  
workshop, you could think of them as an extended warm-up or  
preparation to dance CI.

In the afternoon sessions, we'll follow a process that unfolds by  
exploring a series of simple CI scores designed to interrupt the  
familiar. We'll also create our own scores, explore some less-common  
contact technique, watch each other dancing, and dialogue on the  
improvisational nature of CI.

During the workshop, the exploration of scores will be directed mainly  
toward the question of improvisation in CI. My experience is that they  
are interesting to watch and also open up strategies for performing  
CI. The workshop will therefore culminate in a showing where we will  
dance some of the scores that we have worked on for an audience.

Participation in the workshop showing is not absolutely necessary but  
strongly encouraged. It will take place on Friday, January 29, 2010 at  
8:30 PM

For the afternoon workshop there is a limited number of places,  
available for participants with at least three years experience of  
dancing and studying contact improvisation. If you are interested then  
please write a brief outline of your experience and interest in  
attending (no more than one side A4).


MALCOLM MANNING: I am a somatic movement researcher, educator and  
performing artist. Movement is life and just about any situation can  
be analysed in terms of what moves, how, where, when and with what  
quality - I am fascinated by how people move and by how I move, both  
alone and in relation to others.

I have been based in Finland for the last eight years where I am  
currently a part-time senior lecturer in the dance department of the  
Theatre Academy of Finland (Finland's highest level dance education)  
and have helped to develop and teach around two months a year on the  
one-year Dance And Somatics education in Joensuu. I also tour Europe  
teaching, at various venues including TanzQuartier Wien and ImpulsTanz.

For more info visit about Malcolm Manning: http://www.movetolearn.com

UPDATES: http://www.schwelle7.de/Malcolm.html
REGISTRATION: xs4jan (at) gmx.de
Workshop including morning classes: 5 days / 200 EUR
Morning classes only: 5 days / 120 EUR

We can host up workshop participants basic opportunities to stay  
overnight. The cost is 10 EUR a night per person, 7 EUR if you bring  
your own sheets. More: http://www.schwelle7.de/GAESTE.html

----------- LOCATION --------
Schwelle 7
Uferstraße 6, backyard, left site, 2. floor
13357 Berlin – Wedding (near Uferstudios)

Schwelle 7 – Cie. Felix Ruckert Berlin e.V.
Artistic & Managing Director: Felix Ruckert
info at felixruckert.de

Traffic Link: U8 Pankstraße, U9 Osloer Straße, U9 Nauener Platz, SB  
Gesundbrunnen, SB Humboldthain, Bus M27 Brunnenplatz


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