[CI-Announce] Aug 17-22 - 4th annual Sierra Contact Festival (plus pre-festival intensive)

Karl Frost karlfrost at bodyresearch.org
Mon Jun 13 14:58:52 CEST 2011

Hi all.  This is an invitation to join us at the 4th annual

Sierra Contact Festival

at Sierra Hot Springs.

August 17-22, Sierraville, CA 

(3.5 hours east of San Francisco in Tahoe National Forest)

A peer-oriented contact festival geared towards experienced dancers

    2 studios (one indoor, one outdoor), hot springs and sauna, plus miles
of hiking trails through mountain forests. 
    5 days of exploration in Contact Improvisation geared towards
experienced contactors, familiar with fundamental skills and
of CI ...
    morning presentations/classes, afternoon labs and skill shares,
evening jams
    50 dancers coming together to create a festival oriented around
sharing work in and emerging out of the practice of Contact Improvisation.
    catered breakfast and dinner with chef Lizzie Rojas

plus, NEW for 2011

    Pre-Festival CI Intensive with Karl Frost, August 12-16
    Post-festival Informal Backpacking/Camping trip in California's Sierra
Nevada Mountains

While both the performative and the experiential wings of the contact
world are intended to be represented at the festival, the unifying
principle will be an invitation to those invested in the artistic and
intellectual exploration of contact, regardless of perspective.

The Festival is organized as a 5 day laboratory with presentations, skill
and theory sharing, discussion, jams, and performances. Outside of the
official morning presentation times, the distinction between
presenter/teacher and other participants disappears, creating an
environment where all are encouraged to pursue the path of their own

Morning presentations with Leslie Hauabauten, Zack Bernstein, Ophra Wolf,
Laura Bishop and Shmuel Silverman, Brandon Gonzalez, Taja Will, Kristen
Greco , Mihyun Lee, Kevin Dockery, and Miriam Wolodarski

Afternoon laboratories following affinities of interest based on interests
that people bring to the gathering or that arise in process.

Registration, including meals and hot springs fees starts at $340 and goes
up as we get closer to the festival.

for more information on the Festival or on the Pre-Festival Intensive,
visit the web site at  www.bodyreserach.org/contactfestival

'hope to see you there!


PS Please do pass the word on to any in your local communities who might
be interested! 

If you are getting it via forwarding and would like to be on the e-list,
send us an e-mail.

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