[CI-Announce] spring with the real, sf and nyc dates!

k h spiralforward at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 18:56:10 CET 2010

*greetings, loved ones...*

can't you just feel spring attempting to burst through the san francisco
drizzle and the new york snow?
i can, the air is full of energy, and as such, i wanted to give you all a
quick glimpse of what's around the bend for
the real kim harmon performance collective. it is exciting!

first up: new york

wednesday, *april 7*, kim is blessed to be performing a new excerpt from
habeas corpus at Movement Research Institute's open performance season.
please join us in an evening program that includes three other talented
choreographers in the DTW studio as we show new work! after the
performances, you can share feedback. the performance is free, and your
input is invaluable. i'd love to see you there, and let's grab a drink

*INFO*: http://www.movementresearch.org/performancesevents/openperformance/
(please note, trkh is performing april 7, NOT march 24, as was initially

next up: san francisco

many of you joined us for performances of *habeas corpus* at Mama Calizo's
Voice Factory last summer. it was such a lovely time for us, and we received
such tender and enthusiastic responses, that we have continued the project
and are mounting another performance run! joining up with Team Lexington
productions, we are thrilled to present the show at an amazing new space:
Viracocha (988 Valencia @ 21st.). the show has all the same great
stuff--plus a little extra! dates are june 10,11,12 and june 17,18,19.

we are also endeavoring to choose a local bay area charitable organization
to receive a portion of our june ticket sales. please pitch your suggestions
of organizations you'd like to see receive our donation to
therealkimharmon at gmail.com.

*TICKETS*: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/101913


*habeas corpus* translates roughly to "the right to one's own body."
 two years ago, we began by exploring ideas connected to what we feel hold
us back, what limits our connection to our selves. we were interested in us,
but more so, we were interested in YOU.
 "What do you want to get rid of?"

We have been (and are continuing to be) soliciting responses to this
question via email, voicemail, and post. from these responses, we built the
show, and we are consistently revisioning and subtly revising as
YOUR thoughts come in.
you can be a part, whether anonymously or openly--your choice.

please submit your responses and be a part of the show! visit

*we look forward to seeing you, whether here or there.*
much love,
*the real*
*ps~ you received this email due to your expressed interest in the real kim
harmon performance collective. *
*if you prefer to be removed from the real kim harmon update list, please
reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. *
*no harm, no foul!*

*...it's funny because it's true.*


*join us on the book of face!* http://tiny.cc/aSweI
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