[CI-Announce] Job Opening at Earthdance

Earthdance Office contact at earthdance.net
Mon Aug 28 01:32:52 CEST 2006


Earthdance, a vibrant dance community and retreat center in Western
Massachusetts, is seeking a new Office Manager!

This position requires a one year comittment and begins in early December.
(start time is negotiable)

Office Manager Job Description:

The Office Manager works 25 hours per week and is responsible for daily
oversight of the Earthdance office:

  a.. Answering or directing e-mail/phone calls/guest questions
  b.. Organizing registration for workshops
  c.. Booking studio rentals and personal retreats
  d.. Oversight of the website and database
  e.. Preparation of bulk mailings
  f.. Taking minutes at meetings
  g.. And a pile of other tasks too varied to mention here!
Requirements: Administrative experience and/ or office skills including
touch typing; facility with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access; basic Web
editing abilities; strong organizational skills; the ability to
self-motivate/self-direct; good sense of humor and a gracious attitude. Also
important are knowledge of the improvisational dance community and desire to
live in community.

Compensation: $400 monthly stipend, private room and board, free jams and
community events, and significant discounts on Earthdance-produced

For more information please contact Lita at 413-634-5678, ext. 1 or email:
contact at earthdance.net

To apply, please fill out an application from the Earthdance website at
www.earthdance.net, and submit your application, resume and cover letter to:

Attn:  Lita Lundeen
252 Prospect St.
Plainfield, MA 01070
contact at earthdance.net
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