[CI-Announce] International Contact festival June 2005 in Italy - Orvieto

Rossella Fiumi rossellafiumi at yahoo.ca
Mon Apr 25 01:43:02 CEST 2005

31 May 1-2-3-4-5 June 2005
ZIP.Orvietofestival 2005 
International improvisation festival live performing
Orvieto - Italy

Dear performers, filmmakers, dancers and contact
we have the pleasure to inform you that our
www.contactfestival.it  website is on line , with all
the details regarding the artistic program of
ZIP.Orvietofestival 2005, 
International improvisation festival and live
performing arts,
to be held in the city of Orvieto (Italy)  from May
31st to June 5th 2005.

If you're interested in earlier registration for the
festival, the option for a flat rate registration fee
of 250 Euros ends on April 30rd. After April 30rd the
rate registration will be 285 Euros.
We're here to answer any questions you may have
regarding performances and concerts, teachers,
orientation with regards to courses, logistics and
whatever else.
Best regards.
Thank you
Z.Of team

Sixth edition: artistic and cultural project on
Contact Improvisation and its topics, in the historic
palaces of Orvieto, Italy.

Five days of improvisational dance and music, with
guest artists from eight countries invited to
collaborate in the creative production of events, and
to promote elaboration and cooperation for a
trans-cultural art .

Main theme of the Festival is the staging of
improvisation performances, mediated by the
experiences and practices of Contact Improvisation.
This form of dance was first conceived in the United
States in the early seventies by the artist Steve
Paxton, and explores the expressive possibilities of
the body outside the predefined codified schema of a
classical conception of movement.
The only get-together of its kind in Italy, in line
with similar international events.
Project created and directed by the choreographer
Rossella Fiumi,  with her artistic residence in
Orvieto Caravajal 15 residenza dinamica, and supported
by the City of Orvieto in collaboration with the
Region of Umbria.


Intensive  five days workshops, with:
Andrew Harwood - the decisive moment in Contact
Ray Chung - Contact Improvisation: Integrating
Movement Methods
Rossella Fiumi - Scores for improvising in Contact
Khosro Adibi - Performing Contact Improvisation
Lutz Gregor  - Physical Cinema (Dance for the camera)


Ten study labs
Performances every night
Music concerts
Duo Piano Concert with Stefano Bollani and Antonello
Jams every night

Caravajal15 residenza dinamica
Via Malabranca 15
05018 Orvieto - TR
tel +39 0763 34 14 79
fax +39 0763 34 06 69
info at contactfestival.it

Ten study labs with:
tists 2005
Gionatan Surrenti
Where is the North?

Jovair Longo and Rick Nodine
Remembering and Improvising:
set phrases and Contact Improvisation

Marcia Plevin
Special project Z.Of '05
Authentic Movement

Gabriella Maiorino
Dancing skin and other textures

Laura Porter Blackburn
Everything that rises must converge
Alessandra Palma di Cesnola
Feldenkrais Method and CI
Michele Marchesani
Deep touch

Nikolai Schetnev
Contact Improvisation and water
Simonetta Alessandri
Trio dance
Javier Cura
Looking for lost space

info at contactfestival.it
rossella at contactfestival.it
monica at contactfestival.it

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