[CI-Announce] Fredericksburg Authentic Mvmt

Kathryn J Larson kathlarson@juno.com
Thu, 20 Jan 2000 22:36:39 -0500


Plans are firming up for an evening of Authentic Movement in
Fredericksburg on Friday, January 28.  We will meet in an absolutely
beautiful fourth floor dance space just a couple buildings down the
street from Ken's apartment in Old Towne Fredericksburg.  We can be in
the space from 8:30 - 10:30 pm for a total of $50 - this should be about
$5-7 each (Ken is willing to cover the difference if we are a very small
group).  If we aren't quite finished at 10:30, we can walk quietly down
to the apartment to draw/write/talk there.  We're starting at 8:30 to
allow driving time from DC and Richmond after rush-hour.  Folks are
welcome to stay at the apartment overnight if they'd like - it's not a
huge apartment, but we have an extra futon bed and floor space.  Please
bring a sleeping bag, sleeping pad, pillow & towel.  

Detailed directions and other logistics will be sent early next week.  We
are looking forward to having you here!  Please RSVP so we know how many
to plan on.

with relish!   Kathryn Larson
(I head back to Minnesota on 2/5, so it will be especially great to have
you here on the 28th.)