[CI-Announce] Millennium Jam Discussion Group

Lynda Fleet lyfleet@richmond.infi.net
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 19:45:37 -0400

If you're planning to attend the Millennium Jam at Claymont Court, West
Virginia December 30, 1999 through January 2, 2000.......

we'd like to give everyone who is interested an opportunity to share
their ideas on ways we can come together as a community and mark the
arrival of the millennium at midnight on new year's eve in the octagonal
dance barn.

some ideas that have been tossed around: authentic movement, pass the
dance round robin, lighting candles, etc.

If you would like to share your thoughts, participate in discussion, or
just listen in, please subscribe to a new discussion list we've set up.
To subscribe, send an e-mail to:


From the ideas generated on this list, Lawton, Gordon, Tami and myself
(the organizers) will create a ritual for the new millennium.

Thanks, Lynda