[ChiPy-announce] ChiPy May Meeting Call for Speakers

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Mon May 1 20:50:52 EDT 2017

Hey all,

We are looking for speakers for the May 11th ChiPy meeting. Loosely
speaking, our theme for this month is "Advanced Python".  So, if you have
any talks related to Python internals, Python 3 features, some Python
framework that you've been using, or any other topics along those lines,
please submit a talk!

Or, if there is a Python-related talk that doesn't quite fit that theme
that you been eager to talk about, we'd be glad to see your submission

Finally, we are looking for a short (5-10 min) module-of-the-month talk,
where you'd give a presentation about an interesting Python module.

You can submit your topic here or email me if you have any questions about

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Joe J. Jasinski
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