[ChiPy-announce] ANN: ChiPy RSVP today for ThoughtWorks Thu February 10, 7p

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Wed Feb 9 22:40:17 CET 2011

Sorry for the last minute spamy, but unlike previous meetings the RSVP list needs to be in tonight, so if you plan on attending, Get R Done now: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHVLOTNTU3oxTzJKYjB3RmV4eVZkMEE6MA  or on ChiPy.org if for some reason the goog link doesn't work.

And for those of you that missed it the first time:


When: 7 PM Thursday February 10, 2011
Where: ThoughtWorks - You need to RSVP to get past security, see link below.

This will be the best meeting ever.

 1. 7:00 Reverse-engineering Ian Bicking's brain: inside pip and virtualenv. (Carl Meyer)
 2. 7:45 Pizza (ThoughtWorks)
 3. 8:00 Python/Django deployment (Rohit Sankaran)


1. Reverse-engineering Ian Bicking's brain: inside pip and virtualenv. 
Carl Meyer
Pip[2] and virtualenv[3]: many use them; not so many understand just how they work their magic. If you're a pip/virtualenv user but haven't yet dared crack the lid (or you have, and found it a bit difficult to follow), come along for a fast-paced guided tour. Knowing these tools will help you make more effective use of them, and might also turn you into a contributor.

1 http://us.pycon.org/2011/schedule/sessions/198/
2 http://pip.openplans.org
3 http://virtualenv.openplans.org

2. Pizza 
Local Tech shop wants to make sure we don't pass out from
starvation.  Return the favor by visiting http://ThoughtWorks.com


3. Python/Django deployment 
Rohit Sankaran
I'll introduce the WSGI ecosystem. We'll then setup a Django app and
deploy it to a VM. I'll cover server setup/config and best practices
and cover software used like Fabric, nginx etc. Sample nginx, wsgi and
apache configs will be provided. People can follow along and I'll
provide download links after so they can try it at home.

200 E Randolph St
25th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601-6501


Be on the guest list or building security will be sad.

About the group
ChiPy is made up of people of all levels of programming and Python knowledge. At every meeting we have had both beginning programmers, people who are just starting to use Python, as well as experienced Python programmers. Don't be intimidated about coming to a meeting.

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