[Chicago] ChiPy January 2021 __main__ Meeting Live Stream

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 09:59:59 EST 2021

Hi ChiPy,

We have a great __main__ meeting planned for you this Thursday (Dec 14) at
6pm. Join our Live Stream. Hope to see you there!

*When: *Thursday January 14, 2021, 6 p.m.
*Where: *Remote Meeting
You can join our Live Stream at the following link:


   - *First Time Advent of Coding*
   By: Stephen Ianno

   Recalling my experience doing Advent of Code for the first time. How
   being part of a small community of others completing each challenge really
   motivated me to complete each challenge myself. It was also really amazing
   being able to look at the solutions from other, more experienced
   participants and discuss the solutions through Slack. I learned a lot of
   really useful tricks and insight to going about challenging coding problems
   and it really helped prepare me for future technical interviews. It was
   also really great getting to interact with others during the pandemic.
   - *Making Scaled Data Science Work For People, And Not The Other Way
   By: Hugo Bowne-Anderson

   Data science is too often discussed as a technical discipline, rather
   than a social and cultural one. But the role of data science is to both
   inform and automate decision-making processes, which require, in turn,
   humans to collaborate and communicate with each other and humans to
   collaborate with machines, both of which have key cultural and social
   dimensions. Why do so many executives feel that so little of the data work
   in their organizations actually delivers returns? How can we reduce
   friction in factoring the process of turning business questions into
   business answers through the intermediaries of data questions and data
   answers? What provisions need be in place to make sure that everybody is
   speaking enough of the same data languages to excel at their jobs? How do
   we promote data literacy throughout organizations while getting the job
   done? This talk is aimed at data professionals (and anybody else) who want
   to figure out how to establish healthy and productive data cultures in the
   workplace. I’ll conclude by interrogating the example of establishing the
   culture of modern distributed data science work in organizations and all
   the moving parts that need to be in place for it to function.
   - *From Python To Rust*
   By: Kevin Nasto

   Ever been curious about the Rust programming language? This talk will
   describe the experience of going through the Advent of Code puzzles in Rust
   from the point of view of a Python user. Discover the alternatives to pip,
   functions and passing values, exception handling, and more.

Thank you always to our sponsors, including Braintree and JFrog. ChiPy is a
community run event and we depend on generous donations from our sponsors
to make events and activities possible.
If you or your company is interested in sponsoring, we'd love to talk with
you as we update our sponsorships for 2020.

Please be aware of and abide by our code of conduct http://www.chipy

Engage with ChiPy
Website: https://www.chipy.org/
Slack: https://joinchipyslack.herokuapp.com/
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/
Github: https://github.com/chicagopython/chipy.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chicagopython
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT372EAC1orBOSUd2fsA8WA
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