[Chicago] Would you like to host ChiPy in January?

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 21:49:24 EST 2019

Hi ChiPy hosts!

As we move into the new year, we are looking for a generous company to host
us for our January 9th main meeting, starting from about 6:00pm going to
about 8:30-9pm. If you like what ChiPy does for the Python community and
want to meet a lot of interesting Python users, please consider hosting us!

We are looking for a venue that can accommodate seating for around 100-130
people, and preferably has an AV system that presenters can hook into.

Here is some quick information about hosting:

If you would be interested in hosting our January meeting, please contact
me or anyone else on the ChiPy board. Thank you and hope to hear from you!


Joe J. Jasinski
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