[Chicago] a trader with a project

comicpilsen comicpilsen at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 16:23:36 EDT 2017

Is there some reason this isn't headed to the group? did I break some rule that I don't
know about?

On 6/20/2017 8:26 AM, comicpilsen wrote:
> Hi all
> I was approached by a futures trader with a project currently being modeled using excel. 
> He wants to find a person to program it in Python ( my advice as speed is not an issue).
> My understanding is that the database aspect has been done using SQLserver and that the
> data feed is also done using Esignal. Is there anyone in the group interested in talking
> to him? He seems to be a very knowledgeable person and an ex board member of the CME
> introduced him to me so I think the idea has some validity.  I am snowed under at the
> moment with other things though I must say this looked exciting. 
> thanks
> cp

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