[Chicago] ChiPy February 2017 Meeting

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 09:24:39 EST 2017


We are getting ready for the February meeting.  This month, ChiPy will be
held at Loyola University, where there will be some interesting
presentations about how they use Python for Machine Learning.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday February 9th
6:00pm:  doors open; food arrives
7:00pm:  Talks Start promptly at 7

*How:*You can rsvp at chipy.org or via our Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/events/236944947/> group.

Loyola University (Schreiber Center)
16 E Pearson St, Chicago, IL 60611

Located in the new business school building (the Schreiber center) at
Pearson and State in the Wintrust room


   - *Mentorship Program Additional Finals*
   Last month, the ChiPy Mentorship Program participants presented on what
   they were working on.  This month, we will get to see a few more
   presentations from people who weren't able to present last month.
   - *Unsupervised machine learning in engineering and neuroscience:
   applications of ICA*
   By: Mark V. Albert , Pavan Ramkumar , Anne Zhao , Jorge Yanar
   This talk with be a set of four short presentations guiding everyone
   through three applications of unsupervised machine learning. We begin with
   the classic cocktail party problem - how to automatically separate mixed
   voices recorded by microphones - presented by Jorge Yanar. This will be
   followed by a brief, intuitive explanation of the algorithm used to perform
   the task - Independent Components Analysis (ICA) described by Professor
   Mark Albert. Dr. Pavan Ramkumar will demonstrate how the same technique is
   applied to filter unwanted noise during neural recordings using EEG, and
   Anne Zhao will end with a demonstration of how the same coding strategy has
   led to insights in how the brain encodes sensory information in the early
   auditory and visual systems. Her demo will allow participants to develop
   their own simulated neural codes for processing visual images. The brief
   talks will consist of a Jupyter notebook for running code and displaying
   results. For those who wish to run the examples during the talk, it will be
   necessary to install Jupyter running Python version 3 (the Anaconda Python
   distribution is recommended to set this up). Links and setup instructions
   will be given prior to the talks for people to follow along on their
   laptops and try the examples on their own if desired.

Thanks always to all our Platinum sponsors, especially: Braintree,
Imaginary Landscape, and Telnyx.

Please be aware of our code of conduct http://www.chipy.org/pages/conduct/

See you there!

Joe J. Jasinski
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