[Chicago] PolyGlot Mingle 2017

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 13:47:44 EDT 2017

This is the Meetup / Event that you don't want to miss. ChiPy has partnered
with CJUG and the ChicagoRuby user groups to bring a new Polyglot Mingle

Come Join us this August 17th to some food, drinks, and overall geeking out
at one of the largest tech community parties here in Chicago.

Talk to our members, or learn a little about other languages (like Ruby,
Java, .net, devops) and get to make new connections, talk about what you
do, learn what is happening in the Tech industry in Chicago and overall
have a great time!

The best part, it's Free for members! our little way to say thank you for
being part of this great community. But space is limited, so hurry up and
sign-up! You don't want to miss the boat on this one

Go to http://chicagopolyglot.com/
RSVP under ChiPy

Hope to see you all there!

Brian Ray
(773) 669-7717
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