[Chicago] Illinois Campaign for Political Reform part time role

Jeremy McMillan jeremy.mcmillan at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 09:39:10 EDT 2016

Oh, I'd love to jump on this, but I'm already well employed and maybe a
little overcommitted (my wife would kill me). I'd be willing to volunteer
some, maybe pitch in weekend hackathons, or help
lead/architect/scrum-master (maybe 5-10 hours/week). I'd be super sad if
someone was willing to fund a project like this, but we couldn't staff it

To help others figure out what kind of skills would likely be

The NYTimes page uses JavaScript visualization library, D3,

There is a project/library/framework to parse voter files, but sadly IL is
not yet implemented, and does not use pandas.

These example pages are remarkably similar to Jupyter notebooks (chart,
caption; chart, caption; ...) , and most of the work could be reasonably
done rapid-prototyping in Jupyter. Maybe even the D3 stuff..

Is this something we could work as a partly volunteer effort? If ChiPy
helped organize volunteer sprints, could the campaign maybe kick something
in for ChiPy?

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Jerry Dumblauskas <jdumblauskas at gmail.com>

> any takers here?
> thx
> Jerry
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 8:01 PM, Jerry Dumblauskas <jdumblauskas at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform wants to add another dev to do
>> some work (the last Chipy member placed is still there doing a great job on
>> the sunshine site).
>> This role is more web dev.  In short, the want this site
>> http://www.ilcampaign.org/ilvoterproject/
>> to look like
>> http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/06/10/upshot/voting-habits-turnout-partisanship.html
>> The site is running on PHP for Wordpress.  The person who comes on can
>> implement in that, or migrate to the main site (which is Python powered).
>> It is really up to you.
>> The are getting a new data file next week, and want to get going ASAP!
>> This is really a part time web, data science, visualization gig -- and
>> has to potential to be long term.
>> If interested, contact me off list (jdumblauskas at gmail.com) and I can
>> get your resume over.
>> The people who sent in resumes for the first role, if still interested,
>> can also put their hat in for this role as well (just let me know).
>> Since this is a non profit -- we are not taking a referral fee (like last
>> time), but just trying to get a good python dev in doing some great work.
>> thx
>> Jerry
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