[Chicago] Build a fast growing startup - looking for python devs to join the 160 team

Jose Ochoa jose.l.ochoa at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 18:49:01 EST 2016

Hey Chipy,

My startup, 160 Driving Club <http://160drivingclub.com/>, is currently
looking to hire a couple python devs. 160 Driving Club seeks to transform
the trucking industry for drivers by creating a community that supports
drivers throughout their truck driving carrier. As you may imagine, the
truck driving industry can be a hard lifestyle and we're working to create
tech based solutions that will improve truck drivers' experience in the

As of now, everything we have built is in the prototype stage but we are
already getting pretty heavy usage from truck drivers and trucking
companies and need to ramp up to the next level quickly. In addition to the
website above, we have deployed both iOS
<https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/160-driving-club/id1023886240?mt=8> and Google
apps. Both apps were built with Kivy <https://kivy.org/#home>, a python
based platform :)

Specifically, we'd like to find:

   - A designer with knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Python to take the mobile
   apps (Android and iOS - both in Kivy) and website (Django, PostgreSQL) to
   the next level
   - A web programmer/data analytics guru to help build out a website where
   we can access and analyze all the data we're collecting from student and
   truck driver surveys (note 160 Driving Club is affiliated with 160
   Driving Academy <http://www.160drivingacademy.com/>, a 3 year old truck
   driving school startup that doubled in size in the past year. However, the
   160 Driving Club seeks to reach all of the 3.5 million truck drivers in
   North America, far beyond the scale of the academy!). As far as
   languages go, this team member would have experience with HTML, CSS,
   Javascript, Python, Pandas (or other similar statistics package) and

Please respond to this email or send your resume to jose at 160drivingclub.com
if you are interested in either of these positions. Also, though we would
like these two positions to eventually be full-time, we would be open to
working with freelancers and/or students on a reduced time commitment if
their skills and interests would be a good fit.

Finally, to tell you a little about me. I'm a python developer who's also
an avid musician, snowboarder, and runner. My professional experience
consists of having taught high school science with Teach For America in
Chicago, subsequently serving as Academic Dean of Chicago high school, then
attending business school and joining McKinsey & Company in NYC as a
Corporate Finance and Strategy consultant for 2.5 years. I then left to
build a startup (this is my second startup) and am excited to work with
members of the ChiPy community to take 160 Driving Club to the next level.
In addition, as the team lead I would be happy to share my business
leadership experience with members of the team. My goal would be to not
only build a great startup with you, but also help you grow into tech
business leaders ready to take on any future opportunities that may come
your way.

Please feel free to email or call me at 815-483-3582 if you have any
questions. Also, look forward to seeing many of you at tonight's ChiPy


Jose Ochoa
cell: 815-483-3582
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