[Chicago] PyData Chicago Interest Survey

Safia Abdalla safia at safia.rocks
Sat Jan 2 15:21:29 EST 2016

Hello fellow Pythonistas,

I'm working on setting up a local PyData group here in Chicago and would
like to gather information from potential community members so I can create
an awesome experience for everyone.

The PyData group will be part of the official NumFOCUS network along with
several others in cities such as New York and Berlin. I plan on having
events twice a month. One event will be a speaker's night that will allow
community members to share their ideas, practice conference talks, and get
into public speaking. The other will be a project night that will focus on
contributing to open source NumFOCUS

It would be awesome interested in a PyData Chicago meetup could fill out this
If you'd like more information about the meetup, check out the website
<http://pydatachicago.github.io> or send me an email at safia -at- safia
-dot- rocks.

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