[Chicago] The list

Lane Campbell lane at strapr.com
Thu Feb 18 07:52:29 EST 2016


I'd like to see more resources for early stage education about Python
specifically for web and mobile developers who are learning and building up
their skills.  Also, if the group isn't aware there is a new slack for tech
folks in Chicago.  Seems like a great group if you aren't already on there.

Lane Campbell
(312) 775-2632

On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 6:48 AM, Mike Tamillow <mikaeltamillow96 at gmail.com>

> Figured I'd start a new thread about what this listserve is for.
> Anything python related is a good place to start. But that is pretty
> general, and there are many other resources out there that serve a purpose
> that I believe this listserve should not fill.
> For example, I considered using this as a version control system and just
> sending out mass emails to every commit I made. But then I found Github and
> it just seemed more efficient to do it that way.
> What would people like to see on here, what is most beneficial to you? I
> found hackillinois through this listserve and will be volunteering there so
> I can say that has added value to my learning experience and development in
> Python.
> Any thoughts?
> Mike
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