[Chicago] Junior Python QA Engineer (Remote)

Matthew Erickson matt at soulrobotic.com
Wed Aug 24 12:15:23 EDT 2016

Hello everyone,

SpiderOak is looking for a junior Python developer to help us build out automated desktop client software QA acceptance test suites. We’re a fast-growing company producing two products changing the rules with expectations of privacy in cloud services: our ONE/Groups file backup/sync product, and Semaphor, our fully private team collaboration app.

Our QA acceptance stack is built in SikuliX (http://www.sikulix.com) which uses Jython to power its scripting. Experience in either of these, or UI automation in general, is greatly preferred but not a hard requirement. We’re looking for a driven, fast-learning junior developer eager to grow with the organization to take lead on expanding on and building up our existing test suites. Your GitHub (or ChiPy mentorship!) is just as important to us, if not more so, than your resume or GPA.

What do we have to offer? SpiderOak’s engineering team is all-remote. I’m in Chicago along with two others, but our CEO and business team are out of Kansas City, the head of QA you’ll be working under is in Urbana, IL, and we have engineers in Australia, Argentina, Bulgaria, Germany, and all across the USA. Along with salary, our benefits package includes insurance, annual stock option grants after six months, and generous vacation time.

If you’re interested, you can see our job announcement at https://spideroak.com/articles/qa-python-engineer.

Thanks, and looking forward to hearing from you!


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