[Chicago] \welcome Scientifc SIG

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Thu Oct 15 16:03:57 CEST 2015

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Loren Velasquez <lm.velasquez12 at gmail.com>

> Is there by any chance a bioinformatics/scientific open source project
> happening that one could volunteer for? Just curious because I'm down if
> there is. Always happy to help :D

To follow up some more, there are endeavors all across the board of
experience that people can follow. Do searches on open science and
reproducible research. There are communities around both that result in
projects like the Open Science Framework or communities of practice where
people with devops skills can look at how researchers are learning to do
"reproducible deployments" for their papers. The classical concept of
literate programming comes from people writing reproducible papers. Mozilla
Science Lab runs events where people get together to work on projects.
Software Carpentry focuses on training scientists in learning enough
programming and techniques to do research well.


There are conferences people can attend to learn more about how python and
other languages (R, Julia, etc.) are used in research, http://pydata.org/
http://conference.scipy.org/ and they provide scholarships for people to
attend and encourage participation.

(I quit Orbitz to work with a prof at Columbia University of New York to
work on reproducible science research and tools so I have scads of

shekay at pobox.com
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