[Chicago] django streaming zip

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Wed Nov 11 04:11:11 EST 2015

I have a django app and nginx serving up static files.

I want the user to be able to get a set of files.  it will be 5 to 10
files, most of them will be 5-10 meg, so about 50-100 meg total.

The thought is provide a zip link, click the link, get a zip file.

I am trying to avoid creating zip files on the local fs, either ahead of
time or on the fly.  I am hoping I can pass something a list of file names
and it will return the a file like object that I can pass on to whatever
and the client will get is zip file as the server creates it.

btw, it is a cut list (xml of file names and cut points) 2 png, 2-10 .webm

Carl K
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