[Chicago] [ANN] ULS Most amazing battle of the century, RSVP now

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Tue May 12 23:47:21 CEST 2015

Forget Mayfield vs Pacquiao, it was fixed. This will be the Ultimate Battle
of the century. RSVP NOW before it gets *Sold Out* on Meetup.com
<http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/> or Chipy.org.

Thank you Computer Futures, Braintree, Github, and Imaginary Landscape.
Cash prices $200+ for first place... Pizza, Beer... fun. Invite everyone.

Current entries (add yours here

   - *R and Python for regression*
   (0:05:00 Minutes)
   By: Jerry Dumblauskas
   Let's compare our favorite language to an 'upstart' highly focused
   statistical language.
   - *QML vs. Python*
   (0:05:00 Minutes)
   By: Patrick K. O'Brien
   If you think Python is Pythonic, wait until you see QML from the point
   of view of an experienced Python developer. QML is the Qt Meta Language or
   Qt Modeling Language. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QML
   - *Conway's Game of Life: Programming in a non-language*
   (0:05:00 Minutes)
   The Game of Life is Turing Complete. That means it can (theoretically)
   calculate anything that any computer can calculate. What does this mean in
   practice and how can you program a calculation when the total syntax is
   just flipping cells in a 2D bit field?
   - *Swift*
   By: Feihong Hsu
   - *as former C# developer the lessons I learned to become pythonic *
   By: JC LatinoTV
   language comparison in 5 minutes
   - *Go: Concurrency is Built In*
   (0:05:00 Minutes)
   By: Chris Foresman
   Discussing the pros and cons of Golang from a Python user's perspective,
   particularly focusing on its built-in support for concurrency and the
   advantages over asyncio.
   - *Erlang*
   By: Garrett Smith
   ULS Erlang entry
   - *Postscript. Yes, it's a programming language*
   (0:05:00 Minutes)
   By: Ken Schutte
   I'll describe Postscript - a interpreted, stack-based "page description
   language" used to produce vector graphics and documents.
   - *Is True true? : A mini-venture into Python & Ruby truth testing*
   (0:05:00 Minutes)
   By: Lorena Nicole
   Review of truth testing in Python and Ruby. If "Explicit is better than
   Implicit" then why does Python decide that values like empty sequences are
   "falsey"? How is it that Ruby only defines false and nil as false values,
   isn't this more explicit? Highlight how languages embed their own
   philosophies of what is correct and true with surprising overlaps and at
   times odd contradictions.


The Franklin Center

227 West Monroe Street 2nd floor, Chicago, IL (map

RSVP NOW before it gets *Sold Out* on Meetup.com
<http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/> or Chipy.org.

Share this.

Brian Ray
(773) 669-7717
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