[Chicago] Has anyone used Maple?

Lewit, Douglas d-lewit at neiu.edu
Sun Mar 15 22:31:56 CET 2015

I've heard of Sage, but never used it.  There are so many platforms out
there!  I can't learn them all!  I think people generally stick with the
platforms that they learned in school or learned from very good teachers.
I hope those Sage developers have great jobs because otherwise how can they
afford to continue developing Sage?  Inquiring minds would like to know!

I know that Sage works well on Windows, but I've heard very bad things
about its performance on Linux and Mac OS-X.  Since I greatly prefer
UNIX-based systems I think for me that might be an issue.  I also had an
amazing Maple programming professor in school, so I am obviously going to
be biased in favor of Maple because I have had so much success with it.

Different computational platforms for different folks, right?  Ultimately
you have to use whichever one your professor or boss tells you to use.
Either that or your professor will give you an F or your boss will tell you
to go find another job!   :-)

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Rob Kapteyn <robkapteyn at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not sure how a python list can discuss Maple, Mathematica and "serious
> computer algebra" and NOT mention Sage:
> http://www.sagemath.org
> Sage is awesome, it has been around for years, and it deserves a lot more
> visibility.
> It is completely open source, the top layer glue is all Python and
> matplotlib  (I saw C and even fortran when I built it from source).
> I don't do a lot of heavy math -- but when I do -- Sage does everything
> that I would do with Mathematica.  The big plus is -- it's FREE -- and an
> easy way to impress clients who would never put out for a Mathematica
> license.
> The Sage wiki is full of awesome examples.
> Here is one I quickly grabbed that shows python code, algebra, and
> matplotlib.
> http://wiki.sagemath.org/interact/algebra
> It makes nice workbooks for saving your work and coming back to it later.
> Oh well . . .
> Anyone else use Sage ?
> On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 12:22 PM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:
>> Yes, I did see that you'd used SymPy. I followed up to mention that SymPy
>> is a Google Summer of Code project. Since you are a student, you can apply
>> to a GSoC project. If you are accepted as a GSoC student for SymPy you
>> could make a proposal to improve it if that interests you.
>> I want to make sure people in college know about GSoC.
>> On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Lewit, Douglas <d-lewit at neiu.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Sheila,
>>> I've used Sympy.  It is impressive, but still can't compete with Maple
>>> and Mathematica when it comes to serious high-level computer algebra.
>>> Matlab seems to be the software of choice with most engineers, although
>>> I've found that when it comes to plotting Matplotlib can do pretty much
>>> whatever Matlab can do.  But in the area of computer algebra I still have
>>> to cast my vote with Maple and Mathematica, but especially Maple.  (Maple
>>> is also Canadian software, and Canada is one of my favorite countries!  I
>>> don't mind spending some money on top quality commercial software that
>>> comes out of Canada.)
>>> On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 10:22 AM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Lewit, Douglas <d-lewit at neiu.edu>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> computer algebra power surpasses the power of Python's Sympy
>>>> Speaking of which, SymPy is a Google Summer of Code project.
>>>> https://github.com/numfocus/gsoc#organizations-confirmed-under-numfocus-umbrella
>>>> Registration for GSoC starts tomorrow.
>>>> https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2015
>>>> --
>>>> shekay at pobox.com
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