[Chicago] Chicago Code Camp Registration

Pat P. paaschpa at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 16:19:18 CET 2015

Hi Chipy,
Just want to announce that registration for Chicago Code Camp is now open.
Register here (
via Eventbrite or via the website www.chicagocodecamp.com.

I spoke briefly with the one of the volunteers and he didn't recall any
Python related talks within the submission pool. Hopefully that changes
(nudge, nudge). Call for speakers closes on Monday (3/16). I'll throw a
couple talk ideas out there...Python-Do it for the Pandas: An intro to the
Pandas data analysis library or Pygame of Thrones: a simple game using
Pygame and characters from Game of Thrones.

Hope to see you there (as a speaker or attendee).

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