[Chicago] Now I get it.

Hector Rios labeledloser at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 16:00:00 CEST 2015


I've been alternating between Ruby and Python for some time now and I can
just say this: each language is great in it's own way.

My personal preference is Ruby, though. Ruby makes more "sense" to me. The
syntax, the philosophy, the testing -- everything just makes more sense to

Python is simple in a sense that you can do something one way, where as
Ruby has many ways of doing things. However, I believe that things can be
accomplished in a variety of different ways, which is why Ruby feels more
natural to me.

That said, Python is a beautiful language with many great things going for
it. I believe that it is a great language for everyone to use, and I
encourage people to learn it.

    "name": "Hector Rios",
    "title": "Software Developer",
    "contact": {
            "linkedin": "hrios10",
            "gmail": "labeledloser",
            "site": "http://hectron.github.io/"

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On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 7:18 AM, Lewit, Douglas <d-lewit at neiu.edu> wrote:

> Hi William,
> That's really interesting.  I've used "*map*" before, but never used "*map.get(
> )*" before.  What does "*map.get( )*" do?  Thanks for the feedback!
> Doug.
> P.S.  I agree about those comprehensions.  They are definitely very nice!
> But I think Python programmers should be cautious when using them.  If you
> overdo the comprehensions, then the code becomes really obscure and
> difficult to trace through.  That's just my humble opinion.  Your mileage
> may vary.
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 11:29 PM, William E. S. Clemens <
> wesclemens at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Although Python does lack some classic control flows notably do-while and
>> switch-case, it offers plenty of other uniq control flows. I often use a
>> else statement with a for loop. Python also offers list and
>> dictionary comprehension.
>> https://docs.python.org/3.5/tutorial/controlflow.html
>> https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/datastructures.html#list-comprehensions
>> I would also suggest that you can easily implement a do-while like such:
>> while True:
>>     pass # Do Stuff
>>     if condition: break # Our do statement
>> Switch-cases are a little tricky. Most the time a if ... elif ... else
>> works just fine, although this is a bit limiting if you want to use a fall
>> through condition. A neat trick that you can do with python is use a
>> dictionary as a switch-case.
>> def foo():
>>    print("foo")
>> def bar():
>>    print("bar")
>> def baz():
>>    print("default baz")
>> map = {
>>     "Blue": foo,
>>     "Red": bar
>> }
>> map.get("Red", baz)() # bar
>> map.get("Yellow", baz)() # default baz
>> This has the added advantage that you can dynamically build out
>> the dictionary map.
>> --
>> William Clemens
>> Phone: 847.485.9455
>> E-mail: wesclemens at gmail.com
>> On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 10:55 PM, Lewit, Douglas <d-lewit at neiu.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> if __name__ = "__main__":
>>>        etc.
>>>        etc.
>>>        etc.
>>> Now I get it.  Do you want to just import the methods from your .py
>>> file?  Or do you want to actually run the program directly?  Cool stuff!
>>> Best,
>>> Douglas.
>>> P.S.  Any thoughts on Ruby guys?  I've been messing around with it
>>> lately.  Sort of Python-like, but it actually offers more constructs than
>>> Python.  For example, Ruby has a do-while loop and Ruby offers two
>>> different ways to represent ranges, one with the upper limit included and
>>> the other with the upper limit excluded--as in Python.  But Ruby has a very
>>> "Pythonic" feel to it.
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