[Chicago] The battle of the languages (May ChiPy)

Jimmy Calahorrano jcalahor at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 5 21:19:50 CEST 2015

i can upload a newer (different link) version with no background noise. let u know once is ready. 


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De:"Robert Dean" <robertbdean at gmail.com>
Fecha:vie, jun 5, PM a 2:13 PM
Asunto:Re: [Chicago] The battle of the languages (May ChiPy)

W h y  is there extremely irritating background music during

a l l  of this video.  It surely must have been editing in, no?

Again,  w h a t  were the video editors  t h i n k i n g ? ? ? 

On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 11:05 PM, Jimmy Calahorrano via Chicago <chicago at python.org> wrote:


the video for May's meeting is ready.

It is located here:

The battle of programming languages for Python developers (Go, Swift, R, Ruby and others)








The battle of programming languages for Python developer...

View on www.youtube.com

Preview by Yahoo


PyVideo.org admin kindly add this video please.




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