[Chicago] Help

Lorena Mesa me at lorenamesa.com
Tue Jul 7 19:55:25 CEST 2015

Hi ChiPy,

We have an upcoming mentoring opportunity for the Chicago PyLadies +
Write/Speak/Code Open Source Python workshop on Sat July 25th. If this
sounds like something you may be interested in helping out with you can
fill out an interest form here: http://goo.gl/forms/8na9pIJzvo. We also
have an event page with some more information available -

As a clarifying note, we are asking for mentors to be available from 12:00
- 4:00pm. The event is being hosted at Enova's office at - 175 W Jackson,
5th Floor, Chicago, IL.

Thanks again for all you do!

Lorena Mesa
*www.lorenamesa.com <http://www.lorenamesa.com/>*

"If you wish to make apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the
universe," - Carl Sagan

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