[Chicago] Python kids classes

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 19:25:22 CEST 2015

On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 9:48 AM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:

> A friend's asking if there are any kids classes in Chicago. He lives in
> Northern burbs. Kids are 9-16yrs.
> Ideas, Brian

The "in Chicago" part is where I fall off the map, but I'm offering
curriculum ideas, field tested, so like encouragement to those more local
to "Second City" (there was this fire...).

Recycle these ideas, including some source code, is what I'm suggesting.

Here's the website from which I actually presented course material, the
theme being "Martian Math" (what's that?) using Python, Visual Python


( VPython.org is s tremendous asset in my book).

(geometry buffs will see I'm using a lot of the Bucky Fuller stuff)

I'd say my students were in the 15-17.  We met every day for a few hours,
like a summer camp experience for them (they'd be doing more than one

But the exact circumstances of my field testing are not that important.
Given the college campus setting, my equipment was very high end, one kid
to one computer.

I've done similar courses, changing the mix.  I collect a lot of my
materials here:



> --
> Brian Ray
> @brianray
> (773) 669-7717
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