[Chicago] Brian Ray PSF Nomination

Don Sheu dinaldo at gmail.com
Sun Jul 5 23:02:52 CEST 2015

I apologize for the tone of my email Sheila. As I state in my nomination
that mistakes are mine alone. I wasn't present for the early days of ChiPy.
You were.

I interpreted your email incorrectly as a diminution of Brian's
contributions. I do encourage you to put forth with the PSF nominations of
others responsible for launching ChiPy. I think it's one of the most
important user groups in the world not just for Python but for open source
in general.

My comments didn't add to the efforts of the group or to foster respectful
and encouraging communication, and I apologize. Warmest wishes Sheila, Don

On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 11:30 AM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:

> I was not being sarcastic and did not intend to provoke you. I don't like
> when people (usually women and minorities, but not in this case) get erased
> from founding stories and I was unhappy to see you do this in your
> nomination.
> I know how much work it takes to make things happen. I know if the board
> of my hackerspace stepped down things that need to get done wouldn't until
> more people stepped up. And I know how hard it is to get people to run for
> boards.
> Brian's work is not invisible to me.
> I apologize for bringing this up in your thread.
> --
> shekay at pobox.com

Don Sheu
(312) 880-9389

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