[Chicago] [ANN] (rescheduled) January meeting this Wed

Randy Baxley randy7771026 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 18:17:46 CET 2015

Living with Non-24 is all about understanding that the other 999,990 folks
out of a million will think it is a bandwidth problem.  It is rather more a
synchronazation and formatting problem.  For the most part I just do not
bother to even try to communicate with folks who have no ability to hear
what I am saying.  This past week I sent an obit to a funeral home who told
me the file was corrupted.  The file was just fine.  It was just Free
Libre's format so Windoows ( so not Open ) thought it corrupt.

The online format of Coursera and Charles Severance has been totally
refreshing to this Non-24 person.

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:

> For those who participated in the mentorship program there was a survey at
> the end. Personal challenges aside, nearly all the results revealed
> positive experiences.
> Non-24 sounds horrible, Randy--just googled. Health problems will always
> interfere one's ability to perform. I had emergency back surgery this year
> and that certainly effected my ability to write code, train for the next
> Olympics, and world domination might be unreachable at this point.
> If something like this goes wrong with the program, I hope you guys
> reached out to the 'T', our mentorhsip program director, so your mentor
> (tee) could be given someone who was able to participate. Be sure you ask
> yourself before time if you really have the bandwidth. The program would
> typically take 1 hour a week; however, coordinating, getting there, and
> staying well, are sometimes harder than it seems.
> We will have another mentorship program soon. I do suggest if you sign up
> you take it serious. If life gets the way, please reach out so that you are
> not having a negative impact on the person you are paired with or the
> program as a whole.
> Cheers, Brian
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Randy Baxley <randy7771026 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I failed at the mentorship program.  Certainly no fault of the program or
>> my wonderful mentor.  Life and Randy's strangness though are likely the
>> main causes.  Life continues and I am certainly an example of 'a while'
>> being longer for some than it is for others.  Most folks know abot MS,
>> insomnia, and even that Barr whatever the rest of it is syndrome.  Few
>> folks though know or understand Non-24.  Those of us who have it do not
>> even understand it.  I am blessed to be here in Chicago at this time.  For
>> the Open movement of which python is a part but also for the worlds best
>> doctors in this field and in several other things that have put Humpty
>> Dumpty back together again.  Looking forward to seeing you all Wednesday
>> and continuing this Open journey.
>> On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 10:22 AM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Come listen to some amazing Python presentations from our famed
>>> mentorship program that completed this new years. Hear how you can get
>>> involved with the next batch. There will be food, drink, prizes, and lots
>>> of Python. All are welcome. No prior programming experience required.
>>> This is next Wednesday (21st) as we had to re-schedule early this month
>>> due to the End of the World. Now we see the world has not ending, we are
>>> save to come out from under our laptops and have our best meeting ever.
>>> RSVP:
>>> http://www.chipy.org/
>>> and/or
>>> http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/events/219814888/
>>> We also have a new venue:
>>>  TEK Systems
>>> <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=111+N+Canal+St+Ste+105%2C+Chicago%2C+IL%2C+US>
>>> 111 N Canal St Ste 105, Chicago, IL
>>>    - *Example app using Flask and pg8000 (Postgres) on Heroku*
>>>    (0:07:00 Minutes)
>>>    By: Tanya Schlusser
>>>    We walk through the architecture, development process, and a few
>>>    gotchas of deploying a web application on Heroku using their free
>>>    Postgresql instance, and the Python libraries 'flask' and 'pg8000'
>>>    - *MM - Japhy/Sebastian - Mining and charting*
>>>    (0:07:00 Minutes)
>>>    By: Japhy Bartlett
>>>    We'll go over how to set up a daemon for mining public data using
>>>    tornado, then loading that data into some web based charts.
>>>    - *ChiPy Mentorship 7-Minute Retrospective*
>>>    (0:07:00 Minutes)
>>>    By: Paul Ebreo
>>>    Tom Yarrish and Paul Ebreo will talk about their experience of the
>>>    12 week mentorship program. They will talk about what went well and what
>>>    went not-so well. They will share what they learned and give tips and
>>>    tricks for a successful mentor/mentee relationship. Paul is very passionate
>>>    about programming, software testing, open hardware and teaching and Tom is
>>>    a Digital Forensic Analyst and teaches at Loyola University.
>>>    - *Python Data Science 101 - how mentoring helped me get from raw
>>>    data to SKLearn by Ben Reid*
>>>    (0:07:00 Minutes)
>>>    By: Ben Reid
>>>    Ben will be talking about his experience getting started with Python
>>>    Data Science using pandas and sci-kit learn, with Don's assistance, via the
>>>    Chipy mentoring pilot program. Don is an Independent Technology Consultant,
>>>    iPhone Developer and Software Architect and currently consulting with
>>>    clients using Hadoop. Ben is a Senior Business Development Manager at
>>>    Orbitz Worldwide and is a self taught programmer. Don is @dondrake on
>>>    Twitter and Ben can be reached at
>>>    https://www.linkedin.com/in/reidbenj
>>>    - *Being A Mentee In The ChiPy Mentorship*
>>>    By: Zachary Kerr
>>>    Mentors can be incredibly valuable in helping understand software. I
>>>    want to share some of the insights I have learned from my mentorship. I
>>>    believe there are important lessons to be learned from mentors that can
>>>    make programming a much better experience.
>>>    - *Python Mentors Lightning Talk – Chris & Rahul*
>>>    (0:07:00 Minutes)
>>>    By: Chris Foresman
>>>    Chris and Rahul would be talking about making RESTful API with
>>>    Python. Chris was an Associate Writer at Ars Technica and is currently a
>>>    Senior Systems Engineer at Vokal. Rahul is pursuing his MS in Computer
>>>    Science at Illinois Institute of Technology. Chris is @foresmac on Twitter
>>>    and Rahul can be reached at https://www.linkedin.com/in/rahul013k
>>> --
>>> Brian Ray
>>> @brianray
>>> (773) 669-7717
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> --
> Brian Ray
> @brianray
> (773) 669-7717
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