[Chicago] DePy 2015

DiPierro, Massimo MDiPierro at cs.depaul.edu
Thu Feb 26 22:46:09 CET 2015

Hello everybody,

I am happy to announce DePy 2015. A conference on Python hosted at DePaul on May 29 & 30. The conference will focus specifically on Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Web Development


We have limited space so, if you are interested, please register asap. When you register you also have the option to propose yourself as a speaker. I know many good speaker on the Chipy list and I am hoping to have many proposals. If you want to suggest a speaker other then yourself, let me know and, if approved we will try invite the speaker.

Moreover, if you can and want to help with the organization, please let me know.

If you know companies that may want to sponsor the event, also let me know.

We already have some sponsors and a nice venue that can host about 300 people.


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