[Chicago] board address?

Randy Baxley randy7771026 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 21:16:41 CET 2015

I agree lights is not a good idea.  Indeed you are in this ameratures eyes
a very good videographer and have done a lot of good work documenting
Python events worldwide.  I have also been watching what has been evolving
with OpenGov Chihacknight and Chris Wittaker's now live streaming efforts
so wondering if your equipment could be even less of a production to move
around for you.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Carl Karsten <carl at personnelware.com> wrote:

> "ChiPy has a group of Organizers who meet every week to prepare the
> monthly meeting and take care of group administration. The weekly meeting
> minutes are available <http://www.chipy.org/pages/organizers>. They can
> be reached at (email address to come shortly)."
> http://www.chipy.org/about/
> I want to send a list of stuff I can do, like "setup lights" which I hope
> we can agree isn't a good idea.
> --
> Carl K
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