[Chicago] "open source" project / linked lists

Tanya Schlusser tanya at tickel.net
Mon Feb 9 18:18:41 CET 2015

> >> There's a project in the class, an "open source" project.  It could
> >> require programming, but not necessarily.  Maybe beta testing or
> helping to
> >> organize events, etc.  Any ideas or recommendations?  Are you guys on
> >> Github?
So, for sure ChiPy has a Github account, and it looks like there are
currently some open issues for our webpage -- maybe contributors can give


>> By the way, does someone know how to implement linked lists in Python.

It seems you are interested in memory management -- what about contributing
to the *boost.NumPy* project? I've not contributed yet, but it looks like
the goal is to add more C++ capability to the Boost.Python project, which
is connected to Boost -- (IMO) the best library in C++.


> >> ... I was wondering if this could be implemented in Python as well.  I
> don't
> >> see why not.  I'm still trying to see the benefits of linked lists.  So
> far I
> >> haven't seen anything in linked lists that couldn't be done more easily
> >> using Arrays or ArrayLists???  But hey, I guess linked lists are cool,
> >> especially if you want to torture students and beginning programmers!!!
> >>  ;-)

There are no pointers in Python -- it's a higher level -- with the intent
to keep the details of memory management away from the programmer.

Linked lists allow you to allocate memory for an object dynamically, during
runtime, so you don't have to allocate a ginormous array to hold all of the
*potential* contents of your list that may or may not be created. ... at
one time long ago (when I was in school) memory was scarce enough that this
would have been bad...


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