[Chicago] Best Python Packages of 2015

Tanya Schlusser tanya at tickel.net
Thu Dec 24 12:22:18 EST 2015

> I saw this blog
> http://blog.rtwilson.com/my-top-5-new-python-modules-of-2015/ and I was
> wondering if anyone on the list had any cool New Python packages that came
> out this year ?

Wow, great link -- thanks!

I'm a little late to the Python 3 party but finally started using it this
year, and the new developments for the asyncio standard library (
https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio.html) have made the syntax much
more intuitive for me personally.

Although I haven't tried it yet, Chicago's own David Beazly recently
released an alternative to twisted / gevent called 'curio' and it got
pretty good reviews on reddit.

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