[Chicago] Best programming / dev book in 2015

Jason Wirth wirth.jason at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 07:47:06 EST 2015

No pun intended, but good call on The Python Cookbook. I skim that book
from time to time because there are so many little gems. If you like that
book check out Fluent Python. It's got great material on the more advanced
features of Python like the `__call__`, decorators, meta-programming,
generators, etc.

+1 on the Art of Unix Philosophy!

The book that really blew me away is "Exercises in Programming Style" --
I've never seen this format before. (
https://isr.uci.edu/content/exercises-programming-style). The author takes
a trivial program and writes it in multiple styles: using functions,
callbacks, object oriented, defensive, etc. While the book's source code is
in Python the concept transcends all languages. (

    Jason Wirth
    wirth.jason at gmail.com

On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 12:42 PM, Robare, Phillip (TEKSystems) <
proba at allstate.com> wrote:

> Although it came out two and a half years ago I still find myself turning
> to the Python Cookbook - 3rd Edition by Dave Beazely and Brian Jones,
> especially when I am trying to push the envelope with my Python programming.
> Many of its ‘recipes’ are pointers to corners of the standard library that
> you may not have come across (e.g. the split function in re as contrasted
> with the more familiar one in the built-in string).
> What I find the book valuable for is the deep discussions (and examples)
> of advanced techniques like e.g. writing your own decorators, or
> overloading the __call__ method in a class to achieve multiple dispatch
> based on argument types.
> Another book I have found helpful this year is “High Performance Python”
> by Micha Gorelick and Ian Ozsvald.  This starts out with examples of using
> the tools build into the standard distribution and them quickly moves to
> the pypi packages they have found best for measuring and improving
> performance.
> Both of these are published by O'Reilly.
> Phil Robare
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: Chicago [mailto:chicago-bounces+proba=allstate.com at python.org] On
> Behalf Of Jason Wirth
> Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2015 7:55 AM
> To: The Chicago Python Users Group
> Subject: [Chicago] Best programming / dev book in 2015
> Hi,
> The year is coming to an end so it's time for reflections.
> What's the best programming / development book you read in 2015? *
> * non-Python books are Ok too.
> Jason
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