[Chicago] ChiPy December 10th Meeting

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 21:29:54 EST 2015


We look forward to seeing you at our December 10th meeting.  The meeting
will held at the National Association of Realtors at their Michigan Ave
office.  There are some interesting talks planned this month.  All are
welcome!  Please RSVP <http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/events/227193890/>

Thursday December 10th, 7:00pm

You can rsvp at chipy.org or via our Meetup
<http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/> group.

National Association of Realtors <https://goo.gl/maps/ffQh3QKXDmy>
430 N Michigan Ave #4, Chicago, IL 60611


   - *SQLAlchemy: Beyond ORM*
   (0:20:00 Minutes)
   By: Will Engler
   Before I started my new job, I thought of SQLAlchemy as "that ORM people
   use with Flask." Well, it is that - and more! With this talk, I want to
   give the audience a taste of SQLAlchemy's philosophy and capability.
   Outline: 1) Picking the right abstraction: SQLAlchemy's ORM and Core
   layers. 2) Transaction management: The Unit of Work pattern (SQLAlchemy)
   vs. the Active Record pattern (Django models, Rails ActiveRecord). 3) In
   the wild: code samples plus practical concerns like migrations.
   - *An Introduction to the Portable Format for Analytics (PFA) and to
   Python-based Titus Scoring Engine*
   (0:30:00 Minutes)
   By: Robert Grossman
   The Portable Format for Analytics (PFA) (www.dmg.org) is an emerging
   standard for predictive analytics that addresses some of the limitations of
   the Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) and was designed for today’s
   big data environments, including Hadoop, Storm and Spark. In this talk, I
   give an introduction to PFA, model deployment, and Titus: Open Data's
   Python toolkit for building, inspecting, and modifying PFA scoring engines.
   Robert Grossman is the Founder and a Partner at Open Data Group, which has
   building predictive models over big data for its clients since 2002. He is
   also a Professor in the Division of Biological Sciences at the University
   of Chicago, where he leads a research group in bioinformatics with a focus
   in managing and analyzing large genomic datasets for advancing the
   understanding of human disease.
   - *Meet the micro:bit*
   (0:45:00 Minutes)
   By: Naomi Ceder
   You may have heard of the BBC micro:bit - a tiny (2" x 2.5") ARM based
   single board computer that every 11 year old in Britain will be receiving
   in a few months. (And if you haven't, well, as for everything else, start
   with Wikipedia.) Even better, the micro:bit runs Python 3 (MicroPython, to
   be exact). The Python Software Foundation is a partner in the project. (see
   http://ntoll.org/article/story-micropython-on-microbit for more) The
   micro:bit will be released in the UK some time around February, and should
   be available commercially shortly after that. Even though the micro:bit
   has't been officially released yet, a few have made their way out the door.
   So I happen to have one these precious few devices in the wild. I'd be
   happy to give a 30-45 minute talk about the background of the micro:bit and
   getting Python on it, about the teaching implications, the development done
   so far, and what's needed for the future, as well as the world tour that
   several of the devices are on. There would also be a live demo of the

Thanks always to all our sponsors, especially: Braintree, Imaginary
Landscape, and Telnyx.

Please be aware of our code of conduct http://www.chipy.org/pages/conduct/

Joe J. Jasinski
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