[Chicago] Question about Machine Language.

Lewit, Douglas d-lewit at neiu.edu
Mon Dec 7 14:57:50 EST 2015

Hi everyone,

I was reading an article on the web about how all programming languages are
"Turing complete".  I believe that basically means that all programming
languages are able to communicate with the computer's CPU using the binary
codes of machine language.  Okay then.... so why don't we get rid of C,
C++, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, Ocaml, Haskell, C#, F#, etc, etc and why
don't we call just code in machine language?  Bear in mind that I'm asking
this question from the point of view of the Devil's Advocate because I know
almost nothing about machine language.  But it's an interesting question.
It's related to the question, "Why don't we have one universal natural
language?  Let's get rid of English, French, Spanish, German, Russian,
Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, etc, etc, and replace them all with one
universal language that everyone understands".

I'm interested in reading your thoughts and ideas.  Thanks.



P.S.  Sorry to hear about the Django Study Group.  I thought Mark Graves
was very friendly and did a great job of demonstrating various web
applications using Python.
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