[Chicago] Quick Poll: what editor or IDE do you use?

John Stoner johnstoner2 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 05:20:24 CEST 2014

I use Sublime, and I'm pretty happy with it. Vim on occasion.

On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 1:25 PM, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 11:05 AM, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm just a lurker here, actually Python User Group is more home (where I
>> live) but I was born in Chicago, so hey.
>> Got to Detroit recently... Toledo...
>> Anyway, as a Python mentor for O'Reilly, we start them in a browser tool
>> (custom) then graduate 'em to Eclipse + PyDev on a remote desktop in
>> Illinois someplace, a more realistic simulation and time to use a real IDE
>> (could be anything good, but Eclipse is low cost as in free and highly
>> customizable by our staff guy in Carson City).
> I should add that RDC (remote desktop connection) can bottleneck in some
> routers and some of our would-be Eclipse users report a disappointing lag
> time, which of course I've noticed as a traveler.
> Here in Portland it's not an issue usually, though some spots in the
> airport have close to no WiFi at all (we're still backwater for an airport,
> but what we do have is free).
> Anyway, for those wanting to keep going anyway, despite RDC issues that
> don't resolve, they may ssh into our server and use vim if they wish.
> Our Python courses 2-4 use Eclipse clients back ending into the same Linux
> ecosystem the started in Beginner Python 1 with i.e. the sandbox they've
> used in bash is now seen through a V: drive (for "virtual" -- though "V:
> for victory" is good too if one is looking for good omens and
> encouragement).
> Sometimes I'll ssh in and do a vim thing too, so like many Pythonistas,
> it's a mixed bag with me.  Resume-wise, I cut my teeth on xBase in Windows
> after APL on an IBM 370.  I'm one of those FoxPro refugees in other words.
> Kirby
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'In knowledge is power; in  wisdom, humility.'
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