[Chicago] Job opportunity at KPMG LLP Forensic Team

David Nides david.nides at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 16:28:57 CEST 2014

We have an opening for a developer on our forensic data analytic team at
KPMG in Chicago. For the near future this person will be working closely
with me to help develop a web application to support our computer forensics

Below are the skills required for the development of the application.
Candidates should have 3+ years of experience in the following areas. Send
me an email directly with your resume if you are interested.

·         Backend Development

o   Django including:

§  Django ORM

o   Python

o   MySQL

·         Front-end Development

o   Django including:

§  Django template system including inheritance

o   Client-side JavaScript including:

§  jQuery libraries

§  D3

o   HTML

o   CSS

·         Experience in the following areas a plus:

o   Git

o   Kershif
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