[Chicago] Recording Talks

Randy Baxley randy7771026 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 07:26:42 CET 2014



CHris has blogged on what he does for live stream and archive for events
with Smart Chicicago Colaborative and Open Gov Hack Night,

Also fun sre new CTA vides.


https://github.com/randy7771026/Visual-CTA-Chicago has an insex file with a
lat and lon I want to pas to the sbte.py file and then pass routes and
stops back to choose one so the back again then feeding arrrivel data back
once again,

Perhap someone at Braintree hack night will get me lined out on that.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 12:58 PM, davidpietz at sbcglobal.net <
davidpietz at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Brian and everybody,
> I am very much interested in recording the talks, and this is a note to
> reintroduce myself and volunteer.
> I love the ChiPy idea and meetings and want to play a part on a regular
> basis.
> I am not a programmer and I only have been through one Python book (Head
> First), but I keep getting ideas about problems I could solve with it.
> If you don’t remember me, I came a half dozen times about a year ago and
> you may have referred to me as the guy who is welcome even though he looks
> like he came in here by accident. (They say I clean up well, though.)
> I love the ChiPy idea and meetings and want to play a part on a regular
> basis.
> I am not experienced specifically in AV,  but I was a Navy Reserve
> electronics tech, have some computers, I am handy, have some tools, and I
> have a reliable van.
> If you already have somebody, put me in as a trainee/backup and you won’t
> get in this bad situation again.  As I understand it, you have a huge
> following who need remote and reference access to the meetings.
> I have a strong feeling there may be a real place for me with ChiPy.
> Just let me know what I need to do and I can start immediately.
> Dave
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