[Chicago] Moving to Chicago

Toni Ruža gmr.gaf at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 10:55:26 CET 2014

Hello fellow Pythonistas :)

My intention is to move to Chicago from Serbia with my wife around about the beginning of next year. I would like to know if any of you could point out some companies where it would make sense to seek employment for someone with my qualifications and in my position.

I've been working with Python for the last ten years, mostly for developing desktop applications (with wxpython). In the last few years I've dabbled in certain managerial and team leading roles. My university degree is a mix of IT and management as well.

Research into new technologies in the area of software development is something I'm pretty much always doing with a significant portion of my time, and I enjoy building specialized tools that automate parts of any computer-work-related process. Thinking up specific ways of solving abstract problems is something that I'm constantly falling into; so much so that I often get flustered when my colleagues either refuse or are not able to work on things that can't be specified in great detail at the time.

If you are interested, there is a bit more detail on my Careers profile:


Thank you for your time,

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