[Chicago] Introducing CHIA

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Mon May 26 18:41:39 CEST 2014

More of a "Meetup," less then the best ever "User Group" like ChiPy we are
introducing "Chia"
http://www.meetup.com/Chia-Chicago-Applied-Cognitive-Analytics-Group/ Think
of "Chia" as our newly born niece... treat her well :D

Codename "Chia" is for "Chicago Applied Cognitive Analytics Group" The key
word here is "Applied"...

There are some great similar groups already in Chicago like Chicago Big
Data and Chicago Machine Learning Study Group... their goals may overlap;
however, this group focus on applied complete solutions, end to end, to
solve real world problems. The future is here and this is a huge new area
that now deserves our attention.

What makes Chia Different, you ask:

   - The focus is "applied" Big Data, Cognitive Analytics, Machine
   Learning... All presentations are aimed to how all this technology come
   together to solve real world problems.
   - We will discuss in depth tools (open source and commercial) and
   techniques to "apply" solutions to problems
   - We will have speakers from Kaggle competitions present on how they
   using applied machine learning, boosting and other techniques
   - We will hear from engineer who worked on big cognitive solutions (like
   IBM Watson)
   - We will have have our own challenges, project, and activities
   - We will cover topics regarding concepts that use applied NLP and
   relate that back to modern machine learning techniques.
   - We will exist with our own independent leadership (like ChiPy does)
   with a focus on the groups own initiatives. Sponsor friendly; however,
   always independent, free, and open to everyone.

Of course, Python will be covered in many areas. We can invite speakers
back to ChiPy if the talk becomes interesting to ChiPy Group.

Obviously, this is a big undertaking. If you're interested in helping,
please send me a note and I will let you know what you can do to help.
Otherwise, please participate ChiPy, Chia is a your little newborn niece.
Join here:

Welcome Chia and Long live ChiPy.

Thanks All! Brian Ray

Join CHIA ->

Brian Ray
(773) 669-7717
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