[Chicago] Seeking Django/Python freelancers

Ethan Spotts ethan at activetrans.org
Mon May 5 22:13:10 CEST 2014

Hello Chicago Python community,

I work with the Active Transportation Alliance, Chicagoland's bike, walk and transit nonprofit. We produce Bike the Drive (hopefully you've heard of it) and also the Bike Commuter Challenge, a regional bike commute trip tracking competition that's taking place June 13-20 this year.

We licensed a registration and trip tracking software for this year's effort and have had a couple of volunteers graciously helping us customizing it. The system is built in Djano/Python.

We have two major customizations (30-40 hours of work) that we are seeking freelance help with in order to get them done ASAP.

Our volunteers recommended reaching out to this community in hopes of securing freelance help. Please email me ethan at activetrans.org<mailto:ethan at activetrans.org> if you are interested/available.

Thanks much,

Here's a blurb about the Bike Commuter Challenge:

Bike Commuter Challenge - June 13-20

Sign up with more than 7,000 people at 450 Chicagoland companies and organizations for the Bike Commuter Challenge June 13-20, 2014. You don't have to bike all the way every day, just biking to your local bus or train stop counts. Groupon, Orbitz, your local bike shop and lots of businesses do it. Nearly 20% of our participants are biking to work for the first time and nearly 40% are women. We'll give you and your office all the tools you need to get going on two wheels. Meet other cool bike commuters all week before and after work at more than 40 events and socials around the region. www.bikecommuterchallenge.org<http://www.bikecommuterchallenge.org>.
Ethan Spotts
Deputy Executive Director, Events & Marketing
Active Transportation Alliance
9 W. Hubbard St., Ste. 402
Chicago, IL 60654
ethan at activetrans.org<mailto:ethan at activetrans.org>
p: 312.427.3325x287<tel:312.427.3325x287>
f: 312.427.4907<tel:312.427.4907>
Support bike advocacy by biking! Get ready for our 2014 big bike events<http://www.activetrans.org/blog/espotts/you%E2%80%99re-invited-our-awesome-2014-bike-rides>!

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