[Chicago] Announcing Chipy South

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins emperorcezar at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 03:05:09 CEST 2014

I'd like to announce the first Chipy South meeting. This meeting is for
those of us dwelling in south Chicagoland (you city slickers are welcome to
come down also)

After gathering days of the week that work for people, I've settled on
Wednesday evenings as a good time.

So to give some time to get all the ducks in a row for a meeting then I
would like to announce that our first meeting will be *July 9th at 7pm at
SpaceLab in Mokena.*

If you have a talk (even lightning is fine) let me know if you already

Date: July 9th 2014
Time: 7pm
Place: SpaceLab <http://spacelab1.com> (11028 Front St #2, Mokena, IL 60448)

*If you would like to sponsor food, drink, or video please email me.*


I originally had this for the 18th, but that's was too soon to get
everything together. If you will want to do something more informal, we can
still get together at space lab this Wednesday night to hang out, I just
don't want to rush the first real meeting.
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