[Chicago] February python project night! safe the date and sign up to help

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Fri Jan 31 19:04:01 CET 2014

Heads up all!

Aeva and I have been talking with Asheesh and a few others about a python
project night in February. If you recall, Asheesh mailed chipy proposing
that we do this monthly.

I've set up meetup with no schedule or location right now, but we have
tentative plans to hold this on Feb. 27. When we lock this down, I'll edit
the meetup and post to the list.

Right now I am talking to graphite developers so that we have a project
table for graphite, and other than that we are open for ideas. People
aren't required to work on someone else's project. This is also a time
where people can gather together to work on their own projects as well.

I'd like to recruit some people

* To post comments to the meetup letting everyone know what you are
interested in working on and what you need help with. If we know in advance
we can try to find some resources for you on the topics.

* To be a greeter and help with the beginning python table.

* To be a greeter and help with the beginning web developer table.

* To prepare their open source project for participation in this project
night and future ones -- this means I'd like you to take a look at
http://opensource-events.com/ for best practices and you can ask for
volunteers to help you prepare for future sprints and project nights. If
you are already prepared, this is awesome! Show up and recruit new

Here's the current meetup description so that you don't need to click that


Come work on Python projects, get programming help, help others, and hang

Bring your own project or work on one of the suggested projects below.
Everyone is welcome, all skill levels are encouraged.

Friendly people will be here to help beginning Python programmers with
language basics and practice.

Audience: Everyone! All Python experience levels are welcome, and
everything is self-paced.

When: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Where: ???
Food: Pizza will be provided by ???

Things to bring: a wireless-enabled laptop and power cord.

Need some project ideas? How about:

Learning Python

* The official Python tutorial

* How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python

* An introduction to Python through writing games

* Learn Python the Hard Way http://learnpythonthehardway.org/


* If you contribute to an open source project that uses Python and want to
help new contributors, let us know in a comment!

* Want to learn a Python web framework? Check out the Django tutorial.


If you are interested in working on a specific topic, please leave a
comment to let us know. Maybe we can find someone in advance who knows the

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