[Chicago] Python traffic analysis idea

Adrian Buford technicallydebatable at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 17:02:01 CET 2014

They collect the data but don't have options for export. I looked at the
man pages for both. One had an export Option I couldn't get to work
On Jan 27, 2014 9:59 PM, "Adrian Buford" <technicallydebatable at gmail.com>

> I'll research tonight and post how I branch off. Thank you.
> On Jan 27, 2014 8:55 PM, "Daniel Peters" <danieltpeters at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So, are you looking for how to implement this?  There's a few wifi
>> sniffing tools on Linux, things like (off the top of my head...) wifilist
>> and wavemon. wavemon in particular does all of that, you could see if any
>> of these kinds of tools output in some kind of text format, and then do
>> what you want with that?
>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 6:58 PM, Adrian Buford <
>> technicallydebatable at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Looking for assist on writing a Python based traffic analysis script(s).
>>> I have the concept drawn but just started digging into coding. Any help is
>>> appreciated.
>>> Point A > captures bssid,  mac, said, signal strength of AP(x) and
>>> appends time stamp to logA
>>> Point B > does same and appends to logB
>>> Information is compared between logs and average Point A to Point B time
>>> is generated based on signal threshold. AP(x) being any device that can
>>> broadcast such signal. Cellular, mobile hot spot, CTA train (yes they do).
>>> Idea came from using WigleWiFi this weekend. Was thinking of logging via
>>> ssh connection to home server. I'm sure accuracy can be improved via the
>>> great minds here. This idea isn't limited to two points. More points will
>>> yield better accuracy.
>>> Enough ranting. Thank you. Any help is appreciated.
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