[Chicago] Python traffic analysis idea

Daniel Peters danieltpeters at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 03:55:34 CET 2014

So, are you looking for how to implement this?  There's a few wifi sniffing
tools on Linux, things like (off the top of my head...) wifilist and
wavemon. wavemon in particular does all of that, you could see if any of
these kinds of tools output in some kind of text format, and then do what
you want with that?

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 6:58 PM, Adrian Buford <
technicallydebatable at gmail.com> wrote:

> Looking for assist on writing a Python based traffic analysis script(s). I
> have the concept drawn but just started digging into coding. Any help is
> appreciated.
> Point A > captures bssid,  mac, said, signal strength of AP(x) and appends
> time stamp to logA
> Point B > does same and appends to logB
> Information is compared between logs and average Point A to Point B time
> is generated based on signal threshold. AP(x) being any device that can
> broadcast such signal. Cellular, mobile hot spot, CTA train (yes they do).
> Idea came from using WigleWiFi this weekend. Was thinking of logging via
> ssh connection to home server. I'm sure accuracy can be improved via the
> great minds here. This idea isn't limited to two points. More points will
> yield better accuracy.
> Enough ranting. Thank you. Any help is appreciated.
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