[Chicago] help code new youtube upload

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Sat Jan 18 05:24:08 CET 2014

 successfully uploaded !

I think my hangup was not "creating the Client ID in the Google
Developers Console..."
I was just using the creds/json that was there.

Now to see about using "Service accounts" which seems to be different
than the Service account I was trying to use before "creating the
Client ID..."

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Carl Karsten <carl at personnelware.com> wrote:
> Walking though your steps - this is exactly what I was looking for.
> not sure where the best place is to fork your fork, so here:
>> When creating the Client ID in the Google Developers Console, be sure to
>> choose "Installed application" at the prompt for Application Type. Instead
>> of moving the `client_secrets.json` file to this folder, try putting it
>> somewhere safe and create a symlink to it:
> Split it into two paragraphs, and maybe add some more text:
> When creating the Client ID in the Google Developers Console, be sure to
> choose "Installed application" at the prompt for Application Type.
> Application Type.:
> (*) Installed application - Runs on a desktop computer or handheld
> device (like Android or iPhone).
> Installed application type:
> (*) Other
>> Instead
>> of moving the `client_secrets.json` file to this folder, try putting it
>> somewhere safe and create a symlink to it:
> I am still pugging forward to replicate what you have done.
> If that goes well, my next step is make it work with  "Service accounts"
> https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2?csw=1#serviceaccount
>  Thanks again, this is very encouraging.
> --
> Carl K

Carl K

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