[Chicago] metadata for all the talks

Aaron Brady ascription at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 10 23:09:19 CET 2014

Hi Sheila,

The links I posted on the other thread would be great.  I added them to the "youtube" page as a comment.  You might want to "host" the file on the "chipy" or the "pyvideos" site directly.  You can link directly to the file on my site and "fail over" to your cached copy if it's broken.

On Friday, January 10, 2014 2:59 PM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm a pyvideo admin. I try to catch when y'all post links for the talks here so that I can add them to the video page. I see that Brian, Nick, and Adam shared links. Thanks guys, I'll add them soonish once the videos are out of draft mode (they still need the speakers to approve).

Generally, If anyone has a favorite pyvideo talk that they'd like to add links to, let me know!

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